15 July 2024
Ian is a consultant in our litigation and dispute resolution team. Ian has extensive experience in a wide range of civil and commercial litigation areas, and currently specialises in company, insurance, medico-legal, professional discipline, sports and trust and estate law.
Ian has regularly appeared in the District Court, Employment Court, Environment Court, High Court, Court of Appeal, and Supreme Court. Ian also has extensive experience in mediation and arbitration and has appeared before the international Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), the Sports Tribunal of New Zealand, the Employment Relations Authority and the Human Rights Review Tribunal. He is a contributing editor of Brookers Personal Injury in New Zealand, and has consistently been recognised by Best Lawyers in New Zealand as a leading lawyer in the fields of insurance law and sports law, and by Chambers & Partners Asia- Pacific Guide for sports Law.
Why our clients choose Ian: Our clients appreciate Ian’s accurate and realistic advice, his ability to develop a clear strategy to achieve their objectives, and the judgement and skills acquired from a broad background of experience and expertise in different areas of the law. They also value his communication skills and his determination to achieve the best result for his clients.
Ian’s background: Ian graduated from the University of Canterbury in 1983 and was admitted as a barrister and solicitor in 1984. After commencing practice in Invercargill, Ian worked in London before returning to Christchurch and joining Young Hunter, becoming a partner in 1992. During a sabbatical in the UK 1997 – 1999, Ian practised in Oxford and Reading, obtained a Post Graduate Certificate in Sports Law from King’s College, London in 1998, and was admitted as a Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales in 1999.
Ian is active within the legal community and wider community, with particular interests in governance, sport and professional discipline. He is currently a member of a number of international sporting tribunals including: the International Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS); the World Athletics Disciplinary Tribunal; Sport Resolutions International Panel; the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) Anti-Doping Committee; the International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS) Ethics Committee; and the International Tennis Federation (ITF) Standing Panel.
Ian was a director of HPSNZ (High Performance Sport New Zealand) from 2015 – 2021 and a director of Snow Sports NZ from September 2022 - May 2024. He was the President of ANZSLA (Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association) from 2007 – 2012, a director of Swimming New Zealand from 2012 – 2014, and a member of the FINA (Federation Internationale de Natation) Ethics Panel from 2013 – 2017. Ian was the President of Broken River Ski Club from 2011 – 2017, and he has been an Association Commissioner for New Zealand Cricket since 2002.
Recent appointments include chair of a World Sailing Independent Panel; Chair of the Federation Court Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games; member of the Rugby League World Cup ad hoc Panel; member of the Independent Tribunal for the Billie Jean King Cup Finals in 2022 and 2023; and member of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) Standing Panel for the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Ian is a member of the Sports Tribunal of New Zealand Legal Assistance Panel.
Ian has been a member of the New Zealand Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal since 2019. He was the Convenor of a New Zealand Law Society Standards Committee from 2008 – 2017 and a member of the Canterbury District Law Society Complaints Committee from 2003 – 2008.
Ian’s values: Ian takes a balanced and ethical approach, thoroughly assessing his client’s situation, obtaining a clear understanding of their objectives while developing a strategy to achieve them, and communicating clearly throughout the course of his engagement.
Smith v Accident Compensation Corporation [2023] NZHC 3841
C v Accident Compensation Corporation [2023] NZHC 250
C v Accident Compensation Corporation [2022] NZHC 2923
Geary v Accident Compensation Corporation [2015] NZSC 12
Renton v Accident Compensation Corporation [2015] NZHC 1356
Geary v Accident Compensation Corporation [2014] NZCA 534
Geary v Accident Compensation Corporation [2014] NZHC 1037
Geary v Accident Compensation Corporation [2014] NZHC 96
Ambrose v Pickard [2013] NZCA 568
Pickard & Taylor v Ambrose & Rinnai New Zealand Ltd [2011] NZCA 77
Ambrose v Pickard [2010] NZCA 504
Charterhall Trustees Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [2009] NZSC 116
Queenstown Lakes District Council v Charterhall Trustees Ltd [2009] NZCA 374, [2009] 3 NZLR 786
Ambrose v Pickard [2009] NZCA 502
Pickard & Taylor v Ambrose & Rinnai New Zealand Limited [2008] NZHC 607; (2008) 18 PRNZ 848
IHC New Zealand Inc v Accident Compensation Corporation [2008] NZHC 284, [2008] NZAR 251
Greentank Limited v IAG New Zealand Limited [2005] NZHC 319
Urbani v Gillions and Sons Limited [2004] NZSC 3
State Insurance Limited v McLaren HC Blenheim, AP1/01, 31 May 2001
Official Assignee v Brodie [2000] NZHC 833, (2000) 15 PRNZ 89 (HC)
McEvoy v Dallison [1997] 3 NZLR 11, (1997) 10 PRNZ 291 (CA)
Whirlybird Holdings Ltd v National Insurance Co Ltd (1996) 9 ANZ Insurance Cases, 61-316
National Insurance Co Ltd v Whirlybird Holdings Ltd [1994] 2 NZLR 513, (1994) 7 PRNZ 376 (CA)
Lyon v Wilcox [1994] 3 NZLR 422; (1994) 12 FRNZ 101 (CA)
Emtall Information Systems Limited & Ors v Emtall Hart Information Systems & Ors CP 196/90, High Court Wellington, 30 August 1990
Pero & MPZ One Limited v Mike Pero Mortgages Limited [2018] NZHC 2176
Mike Pero Mortgages Limited v Pero [2018] NZHC 2136
Mike Pero Mortgages Limited v Pero [2018] NZHC 528
Wilding v Te Mania Livestock Limited [2018] NZHC 1506
Wilding v Te Mania Livestock Limited [2017] NZHC 717, [2018] NZCCLR 3
Winchester International (NZ) Ltd v Cropmark Seeds Ltd [2005] NZCA 301
Expansionary Holdings Limited v Cambridge Discounts Limited (2001) 7 NZBLC 103,364; (2001) 10 TCLR 116
Iama Trading (New Zealand) Proprietary Ltd v Broadway Industries Limited HC Auckland CP 384 sd 99 19 June 2000
Wrightson Farmers Finance Ltd v Hocking [1993] NZHC 2130
Hocking v Taylor [1996] NZHC 1379
O’Malley v Mutual Credit Corporation Ltd [1991] NZHC 998
Kaiapoi Engineering Company Limited v C Lund & Son Limited [1989] NZHC 2063
Collier v Boyle [1988] NZHC 1050
Phillips v Police [1992] NZHC 2137
R v Ruscoe [1992] 8 CRNZ 68 (CA)
R v T [1992] NZHC 2668; [1992] 3 NZLR 215
R v Aldous [1989] NZHC 1566
Fearon v R [1989] NZHC 98
Walker v Police [1986] NZHC 1892
MacDonald Industries Limited v Beswick [2022] NZERA 327
MacDonald Industries Limited v Beswick [2022] NZERA 545
van der Klei v Merivale Service Station (1984) Ltd [1997] NZEmpC 130; [1998] 1 ERNZ 178
van der Klei v Merivale Service Station (1984) Ltd [1996] NZEmpC 132
Irving v Kornex Corporation Limited [1994] NZEmpT 484
Mason v The Hornby Workingmen’s Club & Mutual School of Art Inc [1994] NZEmpT 625
Manson v The Hornby Workingmen’s Club & Mutual School of Art Inc [1994] NZEmpT 626
Court v Falloon [1991] NZEmpC 38; [1991] 2 ERNZ 995
Moffat Appliances Ltd v NZ Clerical Workers Union [1991] 1 ERNZ 437
Neilsen v Attorney General [2001] NZCA 143; [2001] 3 NZLR 433; (2001) 19 CRNZ 1; (2001) 6 HRNZ 334
Trustees Executors Limited v Fund Managers Canterbury Limited [2016] NZHC 2194
Whaitiri Potato Company Ltd v IAG (NZ) Ltd (2006) 14 ANZ Insurance Cases 61,675
Whirlybird Holdings Ltd v National Insurance Co Ltd (1996) 9 ANZ Insurance Cases 61- 316
National Insurance Co Ltd v Whirlybird Holdings Ltd [1994] 2 NZLR 513 (CA); (1995) 9 ANZ Insurance Cases 76,496
Whirlybird Holdings Ltd v National Insurance Co Ltd [1992] NZHC 2794
Surfing Taranaki Incorporated Inc v Surfing New Zealand Inc [2008] NZHC 782
Fesolai v Minister of Immigration [1993] NZHC 1464
Practical Shooting Institute (New Zealand) Inc v Commissioner of Police [1992] 1 NZLR 709 (HC)
Smith v Accident Compensation Corporation [2024] NZHC 1801
Buis v Accident Compensation Corporation [2022] NZHC 1043
Van der Eik v Accident Compensation Corporation [2020] NZHC 2523
Chalecki v Accident Compensation Corporation [2016] NZHC 517
Sinclair v Accident Compensation Corporation [2015] NZHC 3168
Van Helmond v Accident Compensation Corporation [2014] NZHC 2750
Sinclair v Accident Compensation Corporation [2013] NZHC 374
Mills v Accident Compensation Corporation [2012] NZHC 1055
Sinclair v Accident Compensation Corporation [2012] NZHC 406, [2012] NZAR 313
Pickard & Taylor v Ambrose & Rinnai New Zealand Limited [2009] NZHC 2272
Siola’a v Wellington District Court [2008] NZCA 483, [2009] NZAR 23
Nelson v Accident Compensation Corporation [2008] NZHC 1385;(2008) 19 PRNZ 108
Knight v Accident Compensation Corporation [2006] NZHC 344
Accident Compensation Corporation v Knight High Court Christchurch, CIV-2005-485-1582, 9 November 2005
Urbani v Gillions & Sons Ltd HC Dunedin CP26/01, 14 May 2002
Fenton v Housing New Zealand HC Timaru CP12/01, 18 July 2002
West v Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co of New Zealand Limited [1992] 2 NZLR 23, [1991] NZAR 514, (1991) 4 PRNZ 499 (CA)
Otago Standards Committee v Elder [2024] NZLCDT 30
Otago Standards Committee v Cottrell [2024] NZLCDT 25
Canterbury Westland Standards Committee 2 v U [2024] NZLCDT 10
Canterbury Westland Standards Committee 2 v U [2024] NZLCDT 4
National Standards Committee 2 v Tingey [2023] NZLCDT 43
National Standards Committee 2 v Tingey [2023] NZLCDT 22
National Standards Committee (No. 1) v Haines [2022] NZLCDT 10
B v District Council of Canterbury District Law Society [2002] 3 NZLR 113 (HC)
Hampton v Canterbury Regional Council (Environment Canterbury) [2015] NZCA 509, (2015) 18 ELRNZ 825, [2016] NZRMA 369
Maxwell v Cycling New Zealand (Costs) [2024] NZST 11/24
Maxwell v Cycling New Zealand [2024] NZST 2411
Sport Integrity Commission v Werahiko [2024] NZST 15
Commonwealth Games Federation v Nwokocha, Sport Resolutions/365/2022, 17 May 2023
Eight individuals v World Sailing Limited, Sport Resolutions/142/2022, 12 August 2022
Bowls Canterbury v Gary Lawson (various decisions, June – September 2022)
Kris Gemmell v Drug Free Sport New Zealand [2015] NZST 1
Drug Free Sport New Zealand v Kris Gemmell, CAS 2014/A/2, 1 December 2014
Kris Gemmell v Drug Free Sport New Zealand [2013] NZST 8
Drug Free Sport New Zealand v Welsford, [2011] NZST 10
Lawton v Mountain Bike New Zealand [2006] NZST 16
Daisy Thomas v Surfing New Zealand [2006] NZST 9
Daisy Thomas v Surfing New Zealand [2006] NZST 20069
AB v RT [2016] NZHC 1399
AB v RT [2015] NZHC 3174
Wightman v Public Trust [2015] NZHC 1091
Wightman v Public Trust [2014] NZHC 3124, [2015] NZFLR 335
Westenra v Westenra [2013] NZHC 2980
Westenra v Westenra, HC Christchurch, CIV-2011-409-002255, Chisholm J, 19 December 2011
Francis v Davey [2001] NZHC 749
Ullrich v Ullrich HC Christchurch CP91/95, 16 October 1996
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